About Us

CI Cloud is a global Data Centre service provider, established by China Integrated and IT professionals with decades of international experience and value concepts of working with world class companies, providing data management services to end clients including Shell, GM, GE, China top IT/Internet enterprises and famous media companies.

We concentrate on IT professional services and the legal issues arising from working cross-border due to data protection and cybersecurity laws in China and overseas.

Our team, their professional qualities, accumulation of expertise, knowledge and experience is fully able to deliver the context specific, mature, innovative solutions and satisfaction that are needed for international companies doing business in China’s fast evolving environment.

CI Cloud’s team consistently delivers high-performance business results as a supplier to global companies, as a partner to mid-sized international companies, and as a solution provider to governments and industry-leaders of all sizes active in high-requirements sectors.

We are keen to help our customers cross the walls that limit business opportunities, and contribute to our clients’ international success.


Trustworthy Data Management Partner


Professional and Reliable Service

Some of the companies we serve: